Evident ID analytics dashboard

Evident ID

Insurance Compliance & Analytics for Enterprise Clients
UX Research, Product Design, Product Strategy
My Role: Lead Designer and UX Strategist in collaboration with a product manager to define product requirements.

Improving B2B Engagement

The goal of this project was to tackle the nuanced problems that plague the industry standard process of insurance verification. I was tasked with creating concepts and UX strategy to improve the communication gaps between relying parties (franchisers, buyers, etc) and their insured population (franchisees, suppliers, etc).

UX Vision
“Our vision is for each insured to have a single point of engagement with the network to understand insurance needs, view real-time compliance status, communicate coverage with new and existing RPs (Relying Parties), and purchase insurance to close the gaps.”

Product Requirements

  • This single point of engagement will be an “insured profile” that’s unique to each insured, can be managed across RPs, and triggers network effects.
  • Insureds will have a clear picture of what’s required from them for a specific RP relationship, allowing them to fully understand their insurance needs.
  • They will see real-time compliance status without requiring a login, or more in-depth details after creating an account.
  • Insureds will be able to communicate their coverage with both new and existing RPs.
  • They can indicate which insurance needs they’re responding to, which they’re handing off to a broker, or which they choose not to respond to at this time and why (not applicable, too expensive, etc.).
  • Insureds will have the opportunity to purchase insurance to close the gaps between what they have and what they need.

Understanding Client-to-Customer Relationships

I started by identifying the key goals and issues experienced by the user personas that are required to go through the insurance verification process.
insured user persona
Relying Party
relying party user persona
Next I created journey maps to understand how each persona is impacted in the current application workflow and where key frustrations and drop-offs in communication occur.

A lot of this information was pieced together from client interviews about frustrations they and their customers experienced with the current portal.
insured user journey map
Relying Party
relying party user journey map
After defining the current experience of users, questions were created to understand how we might solve the key frustrations.

From these questions, an engagement flowchart of the ideal experience was created to vet the engineering feasibility of the solutions we captured.

To create better ease of understanding where common communication breakdowns occur, I divided the workflow into 5 distinct phases:
  • Initial Engagement
  • First Action  (with an option to delegate to an insurance broker)
  • Pre-submission Check
  • Submission
  • Completion (maintenance)
brainstorm boardinsurance verification workflow diagram

Prototyping for Automated Verification
and Nuanced Communication

Insured Profile

After vetting the proposed solution above with engineers and product management, I created prototypes for the Insurance portal that the Insured population would utilize.

Incorporating the 5 phases of verification, the new portal set out to empower Insureds to communicate nuanced problems that arose in the process, where previously only binary relays of compliance could be passed between parties.

Additionally, this solution incorporated the automated verification technology on the Evident ID backend and provided immediate UI feedback to the user.
insured profile portal prototype
Analytics Dashboard

For the Relying Parties, a more robust analytics tool was created to better track and manage submissions and insured profiles.

The new dashboard revealed a clearer breakdown of data of where non-compliance commonly occurred across their entire insured population. The new detailed reason codes and Insured feedback often surprised the relying party in how restrictive some of their requirements were.
analytics dashboard

Strategizing for the Future

UX Milestones

As an addition to the prototypes, I created a North Star strategy of how the work for the Insured Profile and analytics dashboard would shape future engagement & conversion enhancements.

“Creation of the Insured Profile and improving communication between the RP and Insured paves the way for interesting ways to visualize RP data (Analysis/Analytics Dashboard).

It also opens up the potential of additional engagement methods, such as in-app chats for live or automated communication, avoiding the need for email communication between parties.”
table of UX outcomesUX strategy roadmap