
Design-led Innovation: Pioneering Remote Litigation Tools
Stakeholder Collaboration, UX Strategy, Design Iteration
My Role: Lead UI/UX Designer in collaboration with stakeholders, product owners, and customer-facing teams.

Defining a Vision

In the Spring of 2020, as the pandemic created worldwide change in the value of remote work, the legal sector was grappling with the sudden changes and needed to shift perspectives on the feasibility of remote litigation. Calloquy began work to carve out a foundation for secure video conference tools built specifically with law firms in mind.

By the time I joined in Spring of 2023 as Lead UI/UX Designer, Calloquy had begun onboarding and running remote depositions with a select number of law firms. Through these early client interactions, I witnessed first-hand the potential for this purpose-built platform to grow into a widely-adopted workflow solution providing end-to-end service for paralegals preparing for and managing remote litigation.

The following are examples of initiatives I worked on to help define the long term vision for the Calloquy platform.

AI-driven Transcript Digest & Insights

One of the biggest time consumers after a deposition is conducted is editing transcripts and creating summaries of the meeting. Through this Transcript Digest & Sentiment Analysis concept, I explored the possibility of a workflow that allows users to quickly gather insights on key moments from flagged events of a testimony.

Along with AI-driven discovery, the user has the ability to append any summaries as they see fit and highlight their own key moments. In addition, a recording of the testimony can be viewed along with the transcript with key moments visible along the playback timeline.
In developing this concept with stakeholders, one of my pushbacks was with their assumptions about how the sentiment analysis should function. With the prevalence of AI making very poor decisions when it comes to diversity and nuance of human interactions, I was vocal about being cautious regarding the negative implications this type of feature could have and being the antithesis of the mission of making the platform safe, reliable, and free of bias.

Leaning on my experience at CallRail designing for the utilization of machine learning for keyword spotting on customer interactions, I pushed for a focus on gathering feedback from potential clients on the AI Summary feature sans the sentiment analysis. Both from a feasibility and cautionary standpoint, this led to a design that removed any potential bias completely from the picture.

White-Labeling for Court Reporting Agencies

As an emerging startup, Calloquy was receptive to a wide variety of potential revenue streams. When the company was approached by a court reporting agency looking for an alternative to Zoom for handling 60-70 remote depositions a week with their prospective clients, I worked quickly to create a proof of concept that would meet their needs.

With a few stakeholder sketches and several notes on requirements, my first goal was to distill everything through defining the current experience of the agency, barriers to success, and potential answers to questions we hoped to solve.
One of my key concerns with creating a workflow specific to an agency of this type was the potential for the solution to not be agnostic enough to work for other white-label opportunities. Therefore, I set out to focus on improving aspects of the platform that would be a win for both general white-label clients and the flows that existed at the time.

Determining that the waiting room concept was out of scope for the main objective, the solutions were split into two main categories:
1. Onboarding
2. Job Creation
After sharing solutions and workflows with stakeholders and getting approval, I created key mock-ups that would be used in presenting the concept to the client.

In-house Annotation & Exhibit Management

When bootstrapping a platform, some early decisions can lead to unintended consequences when building and improving on existing features. This was the case with the third-party annotation tool that was implemented to allow users to annotate exhibits during depositions.
With client and internal feedback collected, it was time to define a strategy for how we would build “Lexhibitor,” our own in-house annotation solution. I took on the task of better defining the effort in order to communicate UX strategy effectively to stakeholders.

As with previous problem-defining efforts, I first set out to define the current experience, identify key frustrations, and generate UX outcomes.
Next, I defined an experience vision to communicate how improving the current experience will lead to a reliable future state for intended users.
With the experience vision in mind, I further developed milestones and success metrics along the way to the north star.
After a successful presentation and discussions with stakeholders, work was defined by my partnering product owner and scrum master within Jira along with design next-steps.

Navigating through Adversity

From adapting to the challenges of a pandemic-affected landscape to ensuring bias-free AI solutions and tailoring products for specific client needs, my journey emphasizes the importance of user-centric design, flexibility, and foresight, not just in the legal tech sphere but beyond as well.

As the Lead UI/UX Designer, I played an instrumental role in navigating these challenges, consistently prioritizing a seamless and efficient user experience while remaining vigilant about the ethical implications of design choices.